The new edition of the ‘Anello della Val Belluna’ cycling map is now being distributed, free of charge, at the tourist information offices in Belluno, Feltre, Mel, Lago di Santa Croce and at the bicycle shops in Val Belluna. What’s new? .The splendid ‘Anello Panoramico della Val Belluna’ (Belluna Valley Panoramic Ring) has been added, offering incredible views over the valley. The route has a length of 120 km and a positive height difference of 3100 mt it is undoubtedly challenging even for e-bikes and we recommend spreading it over two days. To discover: In addition, the route from Belluno to Lago di Santa Croce has been added, which is also suitable for families with children because it is almost flat and almost entirely on cycle paths. With a pleasant and easy ride of just over an hour from Belluno, you can spend a pleasant day sunbathing on the beach at Farra d’Alpago. To discover the route: Finally, the map is now bilingual, Italian and English, so that foreign tourists, who are increasingly numerous, have a new tool to discover the Belluna Valley Ring.

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